Achilles Tendinopathy
Over time the achilles tendon can become worn out and inflamed due to a variety of reasons. This can be at the point where it inserts into the heel bone (insertional) or in the middle of the tendon (non-insertional). There are a variety of reasons for this which can range from overuse, medications, previous injuries or heel spurs.
Figure 1: typical location of pain and swelling in achilles tendinopathy
This problem is often painful, chronic and difficult to treat with simple measures. An MRI scan is usually needed to confirm diagnosis and location of problem within the tendon.
Figure 2: MRI scan demonstrating insertional achilles tendinopathy secondary to heel spur
Treatment options:
Non operative treatment
Modification of shoes such as a soft heel raise and ensuring shoes are not tight at the back of the heel
Custom orthotics
Physiotherapy for calf stretching and strengthening exercises
PRP injections
Shockwave therapy
Surgical treatment is usually reserved for those who have ongoing symptoms despite the above treatments. The specific operation recommended depends on the type and location of inflammation and associated conditions such as bony spurs
Surgeries performed for lesser toe deformity include:
Achilles tendon reconstruction (insertional)
Achilles tendon debridement (non-insertional)