Achilles reconstruction surgery
In patients with persistent inflammatory problem of the achilles tendon and an associated bony spur (insertional tendinopathy).
This may or may not be associated with a bony bump over the heel (Haglund deformity).
Non operative management can be effective in some cases. Surgery is reserved for those patients who have tried other treatments such as modification of shoes, injections, physiotherapy and still have ongoing symptoms.
The surgery to repair this problem is carried out via an incision over the achilles tendon, the tendon is lifted off the bone, any bony spurs are removed and then the tendon is secured back down with a strong repair using bony anchors.
Figure 1: typical skin incision for achilles tendon reconstruction surgery
Figure 2: the achilles tendon is repaired back down to the heel bone with a strong, knotless repair
Success rates: 85-90% of patients are satisfied with their procedure and have good resolution of symptoms
Post-operative plan:
Surgery is typically a day case or overnight stay
Local anaesthetic is administered to help with pain
0-2 weeks: elevation at home, plaster cast
2-6 weeks: non weight bearing in lightweight removable cast or CAMboot with heel raises
6-10 weeks onwards: CAMboot weight bearing
12 weeks onwards: commence strengthening with physiotherapy
Full return to function is typically achieved by 4-5 months post surgery
Download post operative care guide
Risks of surgery
Swelling, stiffness
Infection and wound breakdown
Blood clots – medication will be prescribed to prevent blood clots post operatively
Scar sensitivity
Re-rupture – this is high risk in the initial stages, hence the slow rehabilitation protocol.
Calf weakness