Fifth Metatarsal Fractures
With a severe twisting of the ankle where the foot goes under the leg (inversion) the strong tendons attaching to the base of the 5th toe bone (metatarsal) can be fractured.
Patients often present with bruising and swelling on the outside of the foot and pain whilst weight bearing. These fractures that occur in zones 1-3 (image above) are often referred to as ‘Jones fractures’.
Patients can also suffer ‘dancers fractures’ which is where the fracture occurs further down the bone towards the toes. (see image below).
Treatment options:
Non operative treatment
Cam boot or stiff soled shoe, Full weight bearing as pain allows.
Discard boot or shoe when comfortable to weight bear in normal shoes.
Gradual return to normal activities once as pain allows.
Physiotherapy can help with a strength and balance program once the pain has settled.
Operative treatment
Significant fracture displacement
Painful non union more than 12 weeks post injury
Stress fractures
High level athletes who desire fast return to sport
Surgeries performed for this condition include:
Fifth metatarsal fracture fixation