
A bunionette (or tailor’s bunion) is a prominence of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. This is similar to a traditional bunion of the big toe, but smaller (hence the term “bunionette”). This prominence can cause pain and difficulty with footwear.

Figure 1: bunionette deformity

This can be present with other foot conditions such as bunions or lesser toe deformity. It is often bilateral (present on both feet). It is due to a deformity of the fifth metatarsal bone causing prominence.

Treatment options

Non operative treatment

  • Modification of shoes including

    • Insoles with cutouts to make room for the metatarsal bones

    • Wide fitting shoes and those with soft material like trainer

  • Padding the affected area

Operative treatment

  • The primary goal is to realign the bones to remove the prominence and prevent recurrence.

Surgeries performed for bunionette include: [link to each of these pages]

  • DMMO (minimally invasive osteotomy)

  • Open osteotomies

These are often performed in conjunction with other foot procedures. The decision to perform MIS or open surgery depends on your specific case, not all patients are appropriate for percutaneous surgery.

Figure 2: open bunionette correction (arrow) in conjunction with other foot procedures