Achilles Tendon Rupture

The achilles tendon can rupture from sudden contraction of the calf muscles from pushing off or landing. This commonly occurs in intense sports such as basketball, football or tennis. 

In some cases however this can occur from an awkward step or stumble. It is usually suddenly painful and feels like someone has hit you from behind.

The diagnosis is usually made by clinical examination, but in some cases ultrasound and/or MRI scan can be useful in the management of this injury.

Treatment options:

  • Non operative management is appropriate for some patients, factors to consider are:

    • The time since the injury

    • The immediate post-injury management

    • Medical comorbidities

    • Smoking status

  • This includes an initial period of casting and non weight bearing with crutches, then transitioning to a VACOPED moon boot and functional rehabilitation with physiotherapist supervision.

    • Typical timeframe is 12 weeks in a boot and return to sport at 6 months post injury

Surgical repair of the achilles tendon has the following potential benefits:

  • Lower re-injury rate

  • Greater push-off strength

  • Faster rehabilitation time (typically 6-8 weeks in a boot) and return to sport

However it does expose the patient to the risks of surgery which will be discussed with you at your appointment.

Surgeries performed for this condition include: